Game that makes wishes come true
21 day to transform your life
Energy | Love | Money | Beauty | Success | Attention | Confidence | Happiness

Simple 10 min tasks every morning and evening
The prize - your wish to come true
Game that makes wishes come true
21 day to transform your life
Energy | Love | Money | Beauty | Success | Confidence | Attention | Happiness | Health

Simple 10 min tasks every morning and evening
The prize - your wish to come true
About the game
Wishgame – Magical Knowledge that transforms your Life and makes your Dreams come true

Scientifically speaking, Wishgame is a psychological program designed to transform reality and help fulfil the goals.

The program consists of simple tasks that you will receive every morning and evening for 21 days. These tasks are presented in a playful format, and at first, it may seem impossible that completing such simple exercises could bring your desires to life. But after some time, you will find yourself in a completely new world - a world where dreams come true, and you live the life you've always wanted.

It’s just a game, yet through the process of playing, deep work occurs on both a conscious and subconscious levels. By changing yourself, you change the reality around you.

In this game, there are no losers. Every participant receives exactly what they came for
Goal: To transform your life into the one you've always dreamed of and teach you how to make your wishes come true.

Format: Every morning and evening, you will receive a short task that takes no more than 10 minutes to complete. At the end of the game, the ultimate reward awaits you - the fulfilment of your wish.

Duration: 21 days.

You can start at any time of the year, on any day, without any restrictions.
Who's the game for?
  • You have dreams, but you're no longer sure they will ever come true.

  • As a child, your wishes came true effortlessly. But as you grew older, you kept postponing them—until they faded, never to be realized.

  • You are dreaming about happy relationship

  • You desire financial success and freedom

  • You want to attract attention and feel more beautiful

  • You need strength and support

You are not alone
Countless people know the struggle of escaping the depths of despair. Many have long stopped believing change is possible. They watch others succeed but feel it’s beyond their reach.
There are plenty of trainings, therapists, and books - but they all demand time, effort, and motivation.

Wishgame is an instant boost for those who are done waiting, in need of a powerful surge of energy, and ready to turn their dreams into reality.
What are you getting?
  • Your wish to come true
  • To experience everything you've always dreamed of
  • To gain new energy and strength
  • To get the attention of those around you
  • Take control over your life
  • To build meaningful, strong relationships with others
  • Anna
    I started this game because it seemed simple, and now I can't believe how such small efforts led to such an amazing result! A month ago, I was an unsuccessful woman in her middle years, with dull skin and a lifeless gaze. Divorced, two kids, constantly short on money, snapping at my kids, no time to rest, and no joy in my life. I had long dreamed of starting my own business, but I didn’t know how or where to begin. At first, I was completing the tasks automatically, not even understanding why. But gradually, I opened my eyes. It felt like I woke up from a terrible dream. As I changed, my life began to change too. A business idea came to me, and suddenly, someone appeared who knew exactly how to make it happen. I started looking better and even went on a date! I simply can’t believe this is happening to me! The only regret I have is that I didn’t find this game sooner!
  • Alyson
    I’m in shock!!! Everyone says that to achieve results, you need to work hard. But it turns out, it’s not about the quantity - it’s about consistency! Thanks to this game, I rediscovered self-love and finally ended a relationship where I had been unhappy for 4 years. He had been cruel and humiliating towards me, and I kept accepting it, thinking it was better to stay with him than be alone. This game gave me strength. Actually, it helped me find the strength within myself. I’m overwhelmed with love and gratitude. This is true magic!
  • Christy
    The biggest worry for me was that my relationship with my husband was falling apart. I felt he was cheating on me, and despair was eating me. I had scrolled through his Instagram follows when I saw an ad for this game. I signed up, made a wish, started completing the tasks, and suddenly, one evening, it was like he noticed me for the first time at home. He looked at me and said that I’d done something to myself and looked really good. Now I realize it was all about me. I was dim and empty - neither joyful nor happy, just nothing. In three weeks, I changed everything. I filled myself with self love. I know I still have work to do, but now I know the direction. And I went on a date with my husband :) Thank you so much.
Simplicity is genius
We set a symbolic price, even though its value is immeasurably greater.
And we do this with a single purpose – to help you believe that dreams do come true.
Start the game now

Don't put your life on hold any longer
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